Frequently Asked Questions
Can I participate in multiple capability development programmes?
Yes, so long as the programmes proposed in your application are within the period of eligibility. You should however, indicate your interest in the multiple capability development programmes when applying for the TTDS and not after being awarded. The NTC will at its sole discretion, decide whether to offer the TTDS for one or more of the multiple capability development programmes indicated in your application.
I am already pursuing my capability development programme. Can I still apply for the TTDS?
Yes, if the programme falls within the period of eligibility of the TTDS. For programmes up to one year, they must start or end between 1 April of the application year and 31 March of the following year (both dates inclusive). For programmes exceeding one year, they must end within three years of the application year by 31 March.
I am waiting for confirmation to be enrolled in the capability development programme. Can I still apply for the TTDS?
Yes, please submit your application before the deadline. You will be required to indicate whether you have applied for and been selected for the programme in the application form, as well as provide proof of your application to register for the programme and the programme provider’s acknowledgement of your application. The NTC will assess on a case-by-case basis whether there is sufficient evidence/assurance that you will be successfully enrolled.
Can I apply for the TTDS if I have received other grants or scholarships?
Recipients must not concurrently be in receipt of or hold any other scholarships, bursaries, study loans, financial aids, grants, rebates, subsidies, sponsorships or other awards or benefits of a monetary nature without the prior written approval of MDDI. This does not include MOE tuition fee grants, and subsidies, grants, and other funding from SkillsFuture Singapore. Applicants must declare any additional sources of funding from other public and private organisations. MDDI reserves the right to decide whether to award the TTDS or adjust the funding amount.
If you have further queries, please reach out to the NTC Secretariat by submitting the TTDS enquiry form.