Steps taken to make digital services in public and private sectors easier to access
Forum Reply: Steps taken to make digital services in public and private sectors easier to access
We thank Mr Robert Cheng Shoong Hock for his feedback (Crucial to give those with disabilities equal access to web services, Nov 27).
Improving accessibility for persons with disabilities (PWDs) is a key priority under the Enabling Masterplan 2030. One of the goals is to enhance access to information and services for PWDs. To achieve this, the Government is committed to ensuring that all high-traffic government websites are accessible by 2030.
The design of government digital services, which covers both websites and applications, is guided by the Digital Service Standards, which incorporate the globally recognised Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. These guidelines outline best practices to ensure that web content is accessible to everyone, including PWDs.
GovTech also supports government agencies through providing central diagnostic tools and conducting regular independent usability checks on frequently used digital services.
As Mr Cheng highlighted, non-government and commercial digital services must similarly be designed to be accessible. To support this, we have been engaging private sector stakeholders and community partners to raise awareness and share knowledge on digital accessibility.
For example, in May this year, GovTech launched the Co-Creation Lab, which brought together more than 90 representatives from government agencies, private sector organisations, and community users, including seniors and PWDs.
This collaborative dialogue not only deepened the product teams’ understanding of diverse user needs, but also provided valuable insights that will guide the development of current and future digital services across both the public and private sectors.
GovTech also developed Oobee, an open-source web accessibility testing tool available free of charge to help organisations identify and resolve website accessibility issues.
We will continue to build on these efforts and actively collaborate with the private sector and community partners, including educational and healthcare organisations, to promote inclusive practices to make non-government digital services accessible to all citizens. We strongly encourage all stakeholders to build a more inclusive digital ecosystem that meets the needs of all users, including those with disabilities.
Grace Ng
Director, Digital Readiness and Learning
Ministry of Digital Development and Information
Stephanie Sim
Director, Enabling Division
Ministry of Social and Family Development