Cyber Security Agency of Singapore
The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) was formed in 2015 and is the national body that protects Singapore's cyberspace.
CSA’s core mission is to keep Singapore’s cyberspace safe and secure, to underpin our National Security, power a Digital Economy, and protect our Digital Way of Life. CSA achieves these objectives through building resilient infrastructure, enabling a safer cyberspace, enhancing international cyber cooperation, developing a vibrant cybersecurity ecosystem and growing a robust cyber talent pipeline.

GovTech was officially launched in 2016 as the agency tasked with realising our Smart Nation possibilities.
GovTech’s mission is to harness the best info-communications technologies to ensure that Singapore’s digital government services are held to the highest standards. Their work in building a Smart Nation and Digital Government broadly covers three areas: Products, Services, Cybersecurity & Governance.
Infocomm Media Development Authority

The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) was officially formed on 1 October 2016, with the restructuring of the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) and Media Development Authority (MDA).
IMDA develops and regulates the converging infocomm and media sectors in a holistic way, creating a dynamic and exciting sector filled with opportunities for growth, through an emphasis on talent, research, innovation and enterprise.
National Library Board

The National Library Board (NLB) was established in 1995 to promote reading, learning, information literacy, and a greater appreciation of Singapore’s history and heritage.
NLB’s libraries and archives aim to provide everyone a more personalised and omnichannel learning experience in person and online to make knowledge come alive, spark imagination and create possibilities.
Personal Data Protection Commission

The Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) was established in 2013 to administer and enforce the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA).
The mission of PDPC is to promote and enforce personal data protection so as to foster an environment of trust among businesses and consumers, contributing to a vibrant Singapore economy.